Not to be outdone by Century 21, the New York World's Fair wanted to do everything bigger and better when they had the world stage 2 years later in 1964. The Century 21 Expo was a quaint 74 acres in size compared to the New York Fair sprawled out across 646 acres.
"The team behind the 1964-65 New York World's Fair had competed vigorously for several years with the Seattle organizers as they both tried to gain interest in their respective fairs. In fact, the New Yorkers signed up as exhibitors at Century 21, where they had a major display inside the Commerce Pavilion."
NY exhibit at Century 21
"The New York exhibit included maps. artwork, and a detailed model of the upcoming fair. There would be many changes in the next two years before it opened, and some of the pavilions shown were never actually built, but the presentation served to build public and press interest in the fair."
NY exhibit at Century 21
In 1959, the Territory of Hawaii was finally granted Statehood and joined the Union as the 50th State. After statehood, Hawaii made a very strong push to increse tourism to the islands. Part of that plan included sponsoring the Islands of Hawaii Pavilion at the Century 21 expo. Based on their sucess in Seattle, Hawaii sponsored another Pavilion in New York in 1964. However, this time instead of just one building, they built a 2.8 acre complex.
Model for the Hawaii Pavilion NY World's Fair
Model exhibiting Tropical Spaceage design
The Hawaiian Pavilion included:
- The Aloha Building (housing historical and cultural exhibits)
- Tourist and Industry buidlings
- The Restaurant of the 5 Volcanoes and the Lava Pit Bar
- Hawaiian Village (natives performing ancient crafts, etc.)
- Outdoor Theatre
- The Sandwich Isle Bar (fresh tropical fruit drinks and snacks)
- Outrigger canoe rides
- Concessions (island food, flowers, arts, crafts, and apparel)
Concept Rendering
This souvenir program sold at the Hawaii Pavilion included some additional conceptual artwork for the complex (2 images below).
Restaurant of the 5 Volcanoes with its distinctive roofline in the back
The Restaurant of the 5 Volcanoes overlooking the lake
Design study for the Entrance Area
The intent of the Pavilion designers was to showcase Hawaiian architecture of the past, the present and the future.
The Past - An ancient Hawaiian Village
The Present - 1964 Waikiki
The Future - Tropical Spaceage Design
Seattle 1962 World's Fair, Bill Cotter
Sabu the Coconut Boy